
BISCUE Business Content are provided in various media which include PCs, tablets, and smartphones.

If you are a novice to business content, please see the Guide.



English editionEnglish edition

Japanese editionJapanese edition

Spanish editionSpanish edition

Latin American Spanish editionLatin American Spanish edition

French editionFrench edition

Portuguese editionPortuguese edition

Chinese editionChinese edition

* There is no fundamental difference among different language editions.
* However, each language edition is designed to reflect and adhere to the cultural and business environments by replacing some of the words, sentences or phrases with the ones suitable for the respective region, thus enabling the user to properly understand the content.

For inquiry about BISCUE Products

After hearing about your present status and requirements in business, we will be making a recommendation about how you can make best of BISCUE products.

Consulting for recommendation is no charge. Feel free to contact us.

  • Contact us by using this form.
  • We will respond to you via e-mail or phone and ask about your training requirements
  • Based on above, we will submit a proposal for your consideration.
  • We will provide you with a trial ID for e-Learning when necessary.

We are waiting for your inquiry.

Last updated 11/08/2021 |